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Governance (G)
Dividends status for the last 5 years (as of the 18th fiscal year)
(Unit: Million, %)
Year Dividend per share (KRW) Dividend payout ratio (%) Dividend yield (%) Total dividends
2019 150 6.7 0.5 1,891
2020 200 7.6 0.6 2,522
2021 400 9.6 1.1 5,043
2022 800 17.5 2.7 10,086
2023 150 13.7 0.5 1,891
Voting Status of Wonik Materials' 17th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Agenda number Agenda name Total number of voting shares Number of shares exercised Agree Disagree Abstain Approval rate Agenda approval
Issue 1 Approval of financial statements 12,608,000 9,005,806 8,915,186 53,860 36,760 98.99% Approval
Issue 2 Appointment of Donggeun Oh as an internal director 12,608,000 9,005,806 8,598,880 389,726 17,200 95.48% Approval
Issue 3 Approval of director compensation limit 12,608,000 9,005,806 7,986,028 1,002,578 17,200 88.68% Approval
Issue 4 Approval of audit remuneration limit 12,608,000 9,005,806 8,987,514 1,092 17,200 99.80% Approval
Issue 5 Change in executive severance pay payment regulations 12,608,000 9,005,806 8,987,462 1,144 17,200 99.80% Approval
Voting Status of Wonik Materials' 18th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Agenda number Agenda name Total number of voting shares Number of shares exercised Agree Disagree Abstain Approval rate Agenda approval
Issue 1 Approval of financial statements 12,608,000 9,083,932 9,065,170 12,150 6,612 99.79% Approval
Issue 2-1 Appointment using internal directors 12,608,000 9,083,932 7,814,455 1,269,477 - 86.03% Approval
Issue 2-2 Appointment of Hyun-deok Lee as a Director 12,608,000 9,083,932 8,916,551 167,381 - 98.16% Approval
Issue 3 Appointment of Youngjoo Oh as a full-time auditor 6,700,659 3,145,396 3,100,127 45,269 - 98.56% Approval
Issue 4 Approval of director compensation limit 12,608,000 9,083,932 8,987,872 96,060 - 98.94% Approval
Issue 5 Approval of audit remuneration limit 12,608,000 9,083,932 9,083,730 202 - 100.00% Approval