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Social (S)
S : Social
A warm and beautiful future together
Social (S)
Human Rights Management
Declaration of Human Rights
Wonik Materials aims to achieve its business goals in compliance with social responsibilities and norms based on the ESG Code of Conduct and Ethics, which were established to pursue sustainable management and ESG management. Our Social Responsibility defines our commitment to our customers, employees, business partners, and communities to respect high standards of human rights.
As a company that practices high standards of global citizenship, Wonik Materials respects the fundamental rights of all stakeholders with whom we come into contact every day through our goods and services, contracts, purchases, and other business activities. Our approach to human rights is to identify, prevent, and mitigate actual and potential human rights risks throughout our operations, and to work with our stakeholders to ensure that respect for human rights is effectively practiced.
We publicly declare our support for the human rights principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Framework), and commit to fulfilling our responsibilities with respect to respect for human rights. Wonik Materials will not only endeavor to prevent human rights violations that may occur in the course of its business, but will also use its best efforts to avoid aiding and abetting or being complicit in such violations. In addition, we will have a transparent management structure for accountability, operational structure, monitoring procedures, and action and communication on incidents in accordance with the UN Global Compact's human rights and labor principles.
Key human rights areas
Under the principles of "Do no Harm" and "Due Diligence," the UN Global Compact categorizes human rights into eight main areas as follows
Source: Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Due Diligence Guidance (2021), UN Global Compact Korea
In addition, we have established the ESG Code of Conduct to pursue sustainable management based on the RBA (The Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct, the International Labor Organization Core Conventions, and the UN Global Compact Ten Principles.
This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of Wonik Materials, and we encourage third parties, such as our suppliers, with whom we do business, to comply.
Grievance process
Wonik Materials operates stakeholder engagement channels to prevent human rights violations that may occur in the course of its business. We want our stakeholders to feel free to share their opinions, stories of harm, and instances of social responsibility violations related to our activities across the business, and to address related issues.

If you know of any instances of non-compliance with human rights principles, witness a violation, or experience a violation yourself, please let us know through the following channels
After verifying the facts of the reports received, we actively resolve them through monitoring and due diligence by the working department.
For cases that are judged and acted upon as material issues, we report the details of the issue, the process, and the results to the CEO, and reflect them in our overall management activities to prevent similar cases from occurring.