- 企业概况
- CEO致辞
- 发展历程
- 圆益核心价值
- 企业形象
- 联络信息
- 半导体
- 显示屏
- 前驱体
- 公示
- 公告
- 财务信息
- 股票信息
- IR资料
- 人才理念
- 人事制度
- 福利
- 职务介绍
- 人才培养
- 招聘流程
Social (S)
S : Social
A warm and beautiful future together
Social (S)
Health and Safety Management
Mid- to long-term goals for safety and health management
Mid- to long-term
strategic challenges
Strategic tasks Three-year goals and detailed action plans
2023 2024 2025
Responding to the Serious Accidents Punishment Act
Objective :
Enforcing health and safety obligations
Detailed action plan
Advanced risk assessment
Reflect mandatory safety and environmental performance assessments
Objective :
Operation of safety culture management metrics
Detailed action plan
Advancement of risk assessment system
Operation of safety culture metrics by department
Objective :
Systematizing the Serious Accidents Punishment Act
Detailed action plan
Run a departmental PDCA cycle
Conduct self-audit on compliance with laws and regulations
Supplier critical incident prevention
Objective :
Build incident prevention capabilities
Detailed action plan
Developing risk assessment experts
Executive safety engagement participation
Objective :
Enhance supplier workplace safety
Detailed action plan
Perform an SOP compliance assessment
Promoting Hazard Assessment Recognition
Objective :
Establish a health and safety management system
Detailed action plan
safety and health management system
Obtaining an ISO 45001
Enhance corporate safety culture
Objective :
assess safety culture and create a plan for improvement
Detailed action plan
Evaluate company-wide safety awareness, systems, infrastructure and plan for improvement
Objective :
establish an independent safety culture
Detailed action plan
Breaking away from activities dependent on regulations
Establish a culture of individual self-security
Objective :
establish a complementary safety culture
Detailed action plan
Implementing activities by communication/engagement
Build a culture that looks out for the safety of others
Unique challenges ZERO major industrial accidents
Objective :
Serious Accidents Punishment Act Zero
Detailed action plan
Select/execute focused themes based on incident analysis
Identify/remediate critical industrial accident risk factors
Objective :
Serious Accidents Punishment Act Zero
Detailed action plan
Select/execute focused themes based on incident analysis
Identify/remediate critical industrial accident risk factors
Objective :
Serious Accidents Punishment Act Zero
Detailed action plan
Select/execute focused themes based on incident analysis
Identify/remediate critical industrial accident risk factors