Driving strategy | Detailed driving strategy | Subject of practice | Target timeline |
Adopt renewable energy | Adopt renewable energy | Reach 90% renewable energy use | ~ 2050 |
Promote higher efficiency in energy use |
Achieve ISO50001 certification Prioritize introduction of eco-friendly, low-power facilities |
Continue to drive 2023 | |
Developing greenhouse gas alternatives | Developing substitutes for the top six GHGs | ~ 2030 | |
Enhanced pollution response capabilities | Reduce the use of hazardous chemicals | Developing alternative materials | ~2030 |
Reduce waste emissions |
Achieve 70% waste recycling rate Waste emission reduction and recycling |
Continue to drive 2024 | |
Manage water usage |
Facility investment to reduce water usage Expansion of water and wastewater recycling rate(10%) |
~ 2025 | |
Minimize pollutant emissions |
Compliance with air pollutant self-standards (50% or less) Building an IOT system for an anti-pollution facility |
Continue to drive 2025 |
Type | Identify risks | Materiality assessment | Response strategies | |
Risk factors | Regulation | Not subject to GHG regulation, but subject to GHG regulation if energy use is not reduced | 1st |
ISO50001 Certification → Established an energy monitoring system ('23) → Established and implemented departmental energy reduction goals and strategies to achieve them ('24) → Improving eco-friendly energy usage by introducing new and renewable energy installation of solar panels using idle sites (parking lots, etc.) ('23~) |
Market | Major customers (semiconductor and display companies) are requiring us to reduce GHG emissions from our product supply chain in line with the RE100 declaration | 1st | ||
Market | Increased production costs due to rising energy raw materials costs | 2nd | ||
Opportunity factors | Resources | Enhance corporate image by proactively responding to eco-friendly activities (such as waste reduction) | 1st |
Goal to reduce waste by 5% year-over-year (annually) Goal of 70%+ waste recycling ('24) |
Empowerment | Participate in global initiatives on climate change and the environment to proactively address medium- and long-term risks | 2nd | Strengthening internal capabilities such as reducing environmental risks through CDP and ESG evaluation response ('25) | |
Regulation/Market | Developing alternative markets in response to strengthening legislation such as the Low Carbon Green Growth Framework Act and the Ozone Layer Protection Act | 3rd | Preempting the market for a substitute for a controlled substance by introducing a substitute ('30) |
Risk types | Impact period | Financial impact of risk | Countermeasures | Opportunity factors | |||
Short-term | Medium to long term | ||||||
risk |
Policies and
regulations |
Increasing customer demand for greenhouse gas reduction | V | V | Reduced revenue when customers' needs are not met |
Adopt high-efficiency energy-saving technologies
Adopt renewable energy |
Gain a competitive edge by empowering customers' businesses |
Technology | Developing greenhouse gas alternatives | V | Decreased sales of related products due to customers' ongoing need to reduce GHG use and develop alternative materials | Proactively develop low-GWP alternatives | Developing greenhouse gas alternatives increases sales | ||
Reputation | Increased stakeholder interest in ESG management | V | Reduce investments when ESG ratings decline | Increase internal and external disclosure of environmental information (activities and performance) | Expand your capital raising opportunities by attracting investment | ||
Resources | The virtuous circle of resources | V | Rising costs due to higher unit costs of wastewater and waste treatment | Reduce emissions by improving wastewater and waste recycling rates | Reduce costs by reducing pollutant emissions | ||
Abnormally high temperatures | Abnormally high temperatures | V | V | Increased costs to operate your business, such as running air conditioning units | Reduce power consumption by improving air conditioning efficiency | Reduce costs through increased energy efficiency | |
Risk |
Natural disasters |
Natural disasters such as typhoons and floods
Natural disasters |
V | V | Frequent natural disasters increase recovery costs | Investing in safety/disaster prevention to prevent natural disasters | Investing in facilities to respond to natural disasters reduces recovery costs and lowers insurance premiums |
Response | Year | Response Type | Status | Score |
Climate Change2023 | 2023 | Public | Submitted | B- |
Climate Change2022 | 2022 | Non-public | Submitted | D |
Climate Change2021 | 2021 | Non-public | Submitted | D |
NO | 법령명 | 개정현황 | 당사 적용 유무 | ||||
개정일 | 시행일 | 개정사항 | Yangcheong | Ochang | Jeonui | ||
24-1 | 화학물질 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 | 2024.01.09 | 2024.07.09 |
유해성 시험자료 사용승인 받은 자에게 사용료 징수 및 감면 제도 신설 - 소상공인기본법에 따른 소상공인 - 척추동물대체시험자료인 경우 - 그 밖의 환경부령으로 정하는 경우 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
24-2 | 화학물질관리법 | 2024.01.10 | 2024.04.10 |
유해화학물질 추가 및 기준농도 변경
N/A | N/A | N/A |
24-3 | 물환경보전법 | 2024.01.23 | 2025.01.23 |
오폐수 유입처리 승인관련 과태료 신설
N/A | N/A | N/A |
24-4 | 화학물질관리법 | 2024.02.02 | 2024.02.02 |
설치ㆍ정기 검사표 최신화(변경된 취급시설 기준 반영)
적용완료 | 적용완료 | 적용완료 |
24-5 | 화학물질관리법 | 2024.02.02 | 2025.08.06 |
설치ㆍ정기 검사표 최신화(변경된 취급시설 기준 반영)
시설검사 면제 조항 신설 - 설치/정기 면제 : 연안법 연구설비, 기준수량미만 취급설비(기준미정) - 정기 면제 : 인체만성유해성물질만 취급하는 설비 •
자체점검대장 면제 조항 신설 : 연안법 연구설비
유해화학물질 관리자 선임/퇴직 신고 기한 변경(30일 -> 즉시)
적용완료 | 적용완료 | 적용완료 |
24-6 | 화학물질 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 | 2024.02.02 | 2025.08.06 / 2025.01.01 |
유독물질 세분화 : 인체급성, 인체만성, 생태 유해성물질
유해성 미확인 물질 : 유해성이 없음을 증빙할때 까지 유해성 있다고 추정
화학물질 등록/신고 수량 변경 : 신규물질 (100 kg/yr -> 1,000 kg/yr)_25.01 시행
적용완료 | 적용완료 | 적용완료 |
24-7 | 온실가스 배출권 할당 및 거래법 | 2024.02.06 | 2025.02.06 |
배출권 거래제 참여 가능업체 범위확대 : 목표관리업체 -> 모든 업체
N/A | N/A | N/A |
24-8 | 화학물질관리법 | 2024.04.02 | 2025.01.01 |
화학물질 확인 접수,관리 주체 변경 : 화학물질관리협회 -> 한국환경공단
적용완료 | 적용완료 | 적용완료 |