- Overview
- Message from CEO
- Milestones
- Vision
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Sustainable Management
- Sustainable Management Strategy
- Environment (E)
- Social (S)
- Governance (G)
- ESG Archives
- Semiconductor
- Display
- Precursor
For Investors
- Public Announcements
- Annoucement
- Financials
- Stocks
- IR Materials
- Talent we value
- HR Policy
- Welfare
- Job Introduction
- HR Program
- Recruiting Process
Environment (E)
E : Environment
Company's environmental responsibility isn't just an obligation; it's an investment in the future.
Environment (E)
Safety Environment Management Policy
All members of Wonik Materials clearly recognize that safety, health, and environment are core values of the business based on responsible ESG management, and we will diligently fulfill our roles to prevent accidents, promote health, and protect the environment.
Safety & health
Protect the lives of employees and achieve zero major industrial accidents by creating a safe and comfortable work environment and realizing the elimination and management of hazardous risk factors through risk assessment.
Actively participate in health promotion activities, including mental health and job stress management, and musculoskeletal disease prevention.
Recognizing that responding to global climate change and building sustainable ecosystems is a common human challenge, we take the lead in reducing greenhouse gases through resource recycling, proper waste disposal, and energy conservation.
Protect the environment in our workplaces and communities through transparent disclosure and systematic management of chemicals.
Legal compliance
We strictly comply with laws and regulations and strive to go beyond them, and actively support our partners in improving their safety and health levels.
Community engagement
We build win-win partnerships with customers and suppliers, and contribute to the development of local communities through continuous safety and environmental conservation activities as a member of the local community.
Environmental management
Organizations and roles dedicated to safety and health
Environmental performance disclosure scope of workplaces: Wonik Materials Yangcheong/Ochang/Jeonui sites
Environmental management response strategy
Driving strategy Detailed driving strategy Subject of practice Target timeline
Adopt renewable energy Adopt renewable energy Reach 90% renewable energy use ~ 2050
Promote higher efficiency in energy use Achieve ISO50001 certification
Prioritize introduction of eco-friendly, low-power facilities
Continue to drive 2023
Developing greenhouse gas alternatives Developing substitutes for the top six GHGs ~ 2030
Enhanced pollution response capabilities Reduce the use of hazardous chemicals Developing alternative materials ~2030
Reduce waste emissions Achieve 70% waste recycling rate
Waste emission reduction and recycling
Continue to drive 2024
Manage water usage Facility investment to reduce water usage
Expansion of water and wastewater recycling rate(10%)
~ 2025
Minimize pollutant emissions Compliance with air pollutant self-standards (50% or less)
Building an IOT system for an anti-pollution facility
Continue to drive 2025
Environmental risks and expectations response strategies
Type Identify risks Materiality assessment Response strategies
Risk factors Regulation Not subject to GHG regulation, but subject to GHG regulation if energy use is not reduced 1st ISO50001 Certification
→ Established an energy monitoring system ('23)
→ Established and implemented departmental energy reduction goals and strategies to achieve them ('24)
→ Improving eco-friendly energy usage by introducing new and renewable energy installation of solar panels using idle sites (parking lots, etc.) ('23~)
Market Major customers (semiconductor and display companies) are requiring us to reduce GHG emissions from our product supply chain in line with the RE100 declaration 1st
Market Increased production costs due to rising energy raw materials costs 2nd
Opportunity factors Resources Enhance corporate image by proactively responding to eco-friendly activities (such as waste reduction) 1st Goal to reduce waste by 5% year-over-year (annually)
Goal of 70%+ waste recycling ('24)
Empowerment Participate in global initiatives on climate change and the environment to proactively address medium- and long-term risks 2nd Strengthening internal capabilities such as reducing environmental risks through CDP and ESG evaluation response ('25)
Regulation/Market Developing alternative markets in response to strengthening legislation such as the Low Carbon Green Growth Framework Act and the Ozone Layer Protection Act 3rd Preempting the market for a substitute for a controlled substance by introducing a substitute ('30)
Analyze climate change and key environmental risks and opportunities
Wonik Materials identifies the predicted financial and strategic impacts of climate change and major environmental risks, and establishes response strategies and reflects them in decision-making, taking into account their materiality and impact on the business. Risks include the global climate crisis, changes in markets, stakeholder requirements, resource circulation policies, and changes in the physical environment. In the short term, we see investments required by customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increased investment and recovery costs for extreme weather events as risks, while we see opportunities in securing our customers' business competitiveness and reducing energy costs as opportunities. In the mid- to long-term, we identify the following as risk factors: decrease in sales due to decreased use of GHG substances, decrease in investment when ESG ratings decline, and increase in wastewater and waste treatment costs; and opportunities include securing competitiveness by strengthening customers' businesses and entering the market for GHG substitutes.
Climate change and key environmental risk management processes
Identify and assess risks
Conduct risk assessment for business strategy formulation by the Risk Management Committee based on environmental management systems such as ISO 14001, 50001, etc
Manage risks and opportunities
Monitoring energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy use, and climate impact in the Office of Safety and Environmental Affairs>
Discussing and making decisions about climate change risks and opportunities through the Risk Management Committee
Analyze the financial impact of climate change and key environmental risks and opportunities
Risk types Impact period Financial impact of risk Countermeasures Opportunity factors
Short-term Medium to long term
Policies and
Increasing customer demand for greenhouse gas reduction V V Reduced revenue when customers' needs are not met Adopt high-efficiency energy-saving technologies
Adopt renewable energy
Gain a competitive edge by empowering customers' businesses
Technology Developing greenhouse gas alternatives V Decreased sales of related products due to customers' ongoing need to reduce GHG use and develop alternative materials Proactively develop low-GWP alternatives Developing greenhouse gas alternatives increases sales
Reputation Increased stakeholder interest in ESG management V Reduce investments when ESG ratings decline Increase internal and external disclosure of environmental information (activities and performance) Expand your capital raising opportunities by attracting investment
Resources The virtuous circle of resources V Rising costs due to higher unit costs of wastewater and waste treatment Reduce emissions by improving wastewater and waste recycling rates Reduce costs by reducing pollutant emissions
Abnormally high temperatures Abnormally high temperatures V V Increased costs to operate your business, such as running air conditioning units Reduce power consumption by improving air conditioning efficiency Reduce costs through increased energy efficiency
Natural disasters Natural disasters such as typhoons and floods
Natural disasters
V V Frequent natural disasters increase recovery costs Investing in safety/disaster prevention to prevent natural disasters Investing in facilities to respond to natural disasters reduces recovery costs and lowers insurance premiums
Environmental Initiative Engagement Results (CDP)
Response Year Response Type Status Score
Climate Change2023 2023 Public Submitted
Climate Change2022 2022 Non-public Submitted
Climate Change2021 2021 Non-public Submitted
환경법 개정사항
NO 법령명 개정현황 당사 적용 유무
개정일 시행일 개정사항 Yangcheong Ochang Jeonui
24-1 화학물질 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 2024.01.09 2024.07.09
유해성 시험자료 사용승인 받은 자에게 사용료 징수 및 감면 제도 신설
- 소상공인기본법에 따른 소상공인
- 척추동물대체시험자료인 경우
- 그 밖의 환경부령으로 정하는 경우
24-2 화학물질관리법 2024.01.10 2024.04.10
유해화학물질 추가 및 기준농도 변경
24-3 물환경보전법 2024.01.23 2025.01.23
오폐수 유입처리 승인관련 과태료 신설
24-4 화학물질관리법 2024.02.02 2024.02.02
설치ㆍ정기 검사표 최신화(변경된 취급시설 기준 반영)
적용완료 적용완료 적용완료
24-5 화학물질관리법 2024.02.02 2025.08.06
설치ㆍ정기 검사표 최신화(변경된 취급시설 기준 반영)
시설검사 면제 조항 신설
- 설치/정기 면제 : 연안법 연구설비, 기준수량미만 취급설비(기준미정)
- 정기 면제 : 인체만성유해성물질만 취급하는 설비
자체점검대장 면제 조항 신설 : 연안법 연구설비
유해화학물질 관리자 선임/퇴직 신고 기한 변경(30일 -> 즉시)
적용완료 적용완료 적용완료
24-6 화학물질 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 2024.02.02 2025.08.06
유독물질 세분화 : 인체급성, 인체만성, 생태 유해성물질
유해성 미확인 물질 : 유해성이 없음을 증빙할때 까지 유해성 있다고 추정
화학물질 등록/신고 수량 변경 : 신규물질 (100 kg/yr -> 1,000 kg/yr)_25.01 시행
적용완료 적용완료 적용완료
24-7 온실가스 배출권 할당 및 거래법 2024.02.06 2025.02.06
배출권 거래제 참여 가능업체 범위확대 : 목표관리업체 -> 모든 업체
24-8 화학물질관리법 2024.04.02 2025.01.01
화학물질 확인 접수,관리 주체 변경 : 화학물질관리협회 -> 한국환경공단
적용완료 적용완료 적용완료